Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Progress and Perspective

I'm slowly making progress in my training. It's not getting any easier because my goal is still so far away, but my heart rate doesn't spike as much, and I can run for a bit longer before I start really pouting. I had a major revelation last night... there's something I hate WAY more than running: walking lunges.  Seriously, those things can bite me.  They occasionally make me cry.  But YAY, running isn't the worst thing in the world anymore! Is that progress? Or just perspective? Actually, I can think of a lot of things worse than running. Starting with the obvious: having ALS.

Must. Keep. Pushing.

... without whining too much...

(... yeah right, let's be real.)

I went for my first outdoor run his past weekend. I felt like I was on display and everyone was staring at me. Logically I know this is silly, but I couldn't shake my self-consciousness. Was my butt jiggling? Could people tell how hard I was huffing and puffing and struggling like a fat kid in gym class? Did they think I was demented for running in the first place (like I normally would)? Or would they applaud my attempt at being active? Chances are, they didn't even see or notice me beyond being vaguely aware of an obstacle on the side of the road (if that). "10 points for the overweight asthmatic bitch trying to run!"

Speaking of which, I stupidly forgot to use my inhaler before heading out, so the results of my run were less than phenomenal. Not that I'd know if they were because the stupid running app I downloaded clocked me for 3.5 minutes (it was 30 minutes!!) and 0 miles (I don't know how far I went, but it was definitely more than zero!!). And it can't display my last name properly because the programmers are obviously prejudiced against apostrophes. Jackasses. What's a good running app anyway?

Tonight I spent some quality time with the treadmill, and I was able to run 5.5mph for 300m - 400m at a time, which is like over two minutes or something!  If I had been really bad ass, I probably could've pushed it more, but I'm trying to be reasonable and not kill myself.  But... omg, tiny progress!

Someone recommended Chi Running to me. I want to look into this, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to spend money on all that stuff yet.  Maybe I'll check into YouTube videos.  If anyone has any input, I'd love to hear it - about Chi Running, or any other good resources (especially form-related) for newbies.

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