My newest obstacle: shin splints. I don't know if the muscle fatigue I had before was related, but now I'm having full-on stabbing pain in my shins all the time. It was really bad on Friday after a short run on Thursday evening, then it got better over the weekend, and yesterday it started bothering me again. I'm wearing my compression sleeves a lot, icing, taking Advil, and resting (i.e. no running until this goes away). I tried to do some stretching, but that seemed to irritate it, so I'm just going to be easy on them and leave them alone. I've heard this is common, so I hope it will heal up and go away so I can continue. Part (most?) of me is terrified that this won't go away, and I'm screwed and won't be able to do my race. One day at a time... if it's not better by next week, I'll check out a PT who can hopefully help me fix it and prevent it from happening again.
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