Friday, July 24, 2015

Here we go again...

Welp, Andrea has twisted my arm and suckered me into another race.


I will be part of a relay team with other Team Drea people for the City of Oaks Marathon on November 1. According to Andrea, I'll be doing a 5.3-ish-mile section of the course. Andrea will be doing the whole thing on her trike!!

I haven't been running much at all since I finished my Ninja Challenge race back in early May. I still meet with my trainer twice a week, and she sometimes has me do some circuits with short runs or running drills (especially lately since I am having some shoulder drama and can't do much upper body work). I kept going back and forth, trying to decide if I really wanted to continue running on a consistent basis. It really is great exercise, but it's hard on my legs... and no, I never got to a point where I enjoyed doing it. I'm just not a runner. But I still want to lose some more weight, and I want to support Andrea and Team Drea... so I'll do it for a little bit longer :)

And so, let the training re-begin...

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