Saturday, January 16, 2016

First Hike of 2016 Team Drea Challenge

Hike distance: 6.56 miles
Total distance hiked: 6.56 miles
Miles remaining: 172.44

I finally went on my first hike for my 2016 Team Drea Challenge!  It was sunny and 60 degrees in mid-January, so I took advantage.  I decided to try out a new trail I hadn't been on before - a section of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) starting at Falls Lake Dam going west.  I walked up on the dam and watched some crazy dudes kayaking in the rushing water from so much recent rainfall.  This section of the MST goes along the edge of Falls Lake, so once I got past the urban stuff, confusing turns (complete with backtracking and walking in circles), and random distractions at the beginning of the trail, it went off into the woods by the lake and was really nice.  I included some photos below.  I love nature and being in the woods!  It's my happy place.

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