Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fantastic Hike. Company Mill Trail at Umstead

Hike distance: 6.18 miles
Total distance hiked: 23.23 miles
Miles remaining: 155.77

This hike was for Kathy and her family.

Best hike in recent memory. I've been pretty inactive for a couple of weeks due to a super stubborn cold, and boy was I wound up. Upon arrival to the Harrison Ave entrance of Umstead, it became clear that I was far from the only one planning to enjoy the sunny 70-degree weather. Cars were parked all along the road and even into the rock quarry. I got lucky and snagged a parking spot and hit the trail. A few minutes in, I was so irritated with all the people that I wasn't sure if I was actually that wound up or if the Triangle Chapter of the Douchebags of America was having a meetup. After a couple of miles, the crowd thinned and my nerves eased. I heard the wind rustling the few leaves on the trees, squeaking tree trunks, frogs croaking, and planes buzzing overhead. I ran my hands along the mossy rocks and the rough bark on the tree trunks. The furthest section of the trail loop is the quietest and most calming. I cried, took deep breaths, and had all sorts of emotional, poetic ponderings... Such as how I wish life had trail markers to let you know you're on the right path, or how the croaking frogs were somehow a sign from Andrea to encourage me along the way, or the squeaking trees were Kathy saying hello, or wondering why only one type of tree throughout the woods was hanging onto its cream colored dead leaves, or how my journey in life is a hot mess but each step is a tiny victory, or even how a hike is like a game of Oregon Trail when the game pauses at a landmark and asks you if you want to take a look around - despite the cheesy music and bad graphics, it's good to take the extra time to pause and take a look around. The clouds came in with a cool breeze, like a sigh of relief. I found myself craving a downpour, but when I started hearing raindrops, I had a moment of panic before smiling and saying out loud to myself, "be careful what you wish for." But, it was just a pleasant, refreshing sprinkle that couldn't have been more perfect. The rest of the hike, I felt like I was floating. Today's hike was a much needed emotionally therapeutic journey. Thanks to Andrea and Kathy for the motivation and inspiration.

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